Aeriel view of car lot

Auto Auction Details

Auctions are open to the public and are held every other Saturday. Click on the address to get directions: at 10600 Springfield Pike, Woodlawn, Ohio 45215. Doors open at 8 am for registration and the auction starts at 9:00am. For registration, please provide a current photo ID and $100 cash which can be used towards the vehicle’s bidding-price or returned if none was purchased. Please see ‘policies‘ for more information.

Auto Auction Office Hours

Monday – Friday : Please call (513) 612-5980 for current hours
Sat: 8:00am – 12:00pm (closed on non-auction Saturdays)
Sun: Office Closed

Auction Day

Every Other Saturday (may be rescheduled for holidays)

Registration / 8 am – 9 am
Auction / 9 am
Vehicles have to be paid for by 11:00am on Saturday.
Sunday / Office is closed

The gates will be open on auction day until 2 pm and reopen Monday at 8am.

Remember that our auto auction list is updated and published every Wednesday afternoon. View this week’s auto auction list.

View of tops of cars in car lot
Auto Auction List

The Auto Auction List is posted on our website on the Wednesday before the auction, and lists all of the cars being sold at the Saturday Auto Auction. You can also sign up for our email list for your convenience.

Parents engage their children inside of minivan
Questions? Contact Us

Looking for help? Contact us and let us know how we can help you.

Car keys on table
Auto Auction Policies

Auto Auctions are held every other Saturday. Doors open at 8am for registration, and bidding starts at 9am. A $100 cash deposit and valid id are required.